Luck outweighs hard work 9/10 times.

2 hours ago 1

And the one time you see someone succeed due to hard work is advertised too much.

Growing up I have realized that being born in a healthy family with supportive parents means so much for a kid. And that's luck. You don't get to choose where to be born, it's a lottery. Messed up family dynamics makes the outlook of life negative and that messes up your chances of having a good future. The amount of competition every single thing has and the tremendous amount of hard work that one does is easily outweighed by luck.

I was a very rebellious kid. I wanted to prove the concept of luck and fate wrong but growing up I feel my ideologies were futile. I see people marching towards success and I feel straying away from the finish line. I feel that I started 100 steps behind and when you reach the level other's started they've already accelerated to better places.

Life's unfair after all.

submitted by /u/ICUMTHOUGHTS
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