I’ve been in a relationship with this guy off and on for the last 4 years now we got back together a few months ago but he’s not changing for the better at all. Actually he hasn’t changed one bit. The reason we broke up in the past is simply because he fell out love with me when I was being a good girlfriend to him then a few months ago he came back around and asked could we try again for the 4th time and of course I said yes. Well I still haven’t noticed a difference in him he still doesn’t spend time with me he’s always “so busy”, he still doesn’t want to be intimate with me, he still begs me for money every chance he gets when he has a job, all he does in complains about life, all he wants to do is be on facetime all of the time, we haven’t been on a date in about a year in total.
Neither one of us are happy being in a relationship but every time I work up the courage to leave him then he comes around pretending to be a “good” person and treating me how he should be treating me from the start, I get pulled right back into his miserable arms and boom the cycle repeats itself.
Looking back he always had a facade he puts on around others especially my parents their convinced he’s a such a good guy he’s the one for me, each time I try explaining to them that I honestly see the real true side of him which they don’t see they always brush me off and says “You won’t find another guy as good as him”. Now that I think about it I was never in a relationship solely because I wanted to be in a relationship I was only in a relationship with him to make my parents happy ( I’m 24 btw ). When I met him I was at a low point of my life ( He’s 24 ) and looking back he took complete advantage of me being in a dark vulnerable state of mind.
Fast forward once he discarded me for the final time I opened my options back up right now I am currently getting to know another guy who does all of the things that my “boyfriend” should be doing. This other guy takes me on a dates, he spends time with me, he actually shows interest in me, him and I have hooked up and honestly I was craving that intimacy that touch something I don’t get from my “boyfriend”.
I’m just in a sticky situation I am ready to let go of my no good “boyfriend” for good without falling for the “nice act” when I decide to leave.
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