Lost Journey

2 months ago 55

In this chapter of my life, I feel lost within myself. I don't know what I want for my future, and at times, it feels like I'm just a ghost moving through life, not truly living it. It's a strange feeling both unsettling and oddly comfortable. Everywhere I go, everything I see seems to whisper that it's time to stop being afraid and start figuring out what I truly want.

Right now, my life feels like a loop: waking up, going to school, heading home, or going to work. It's the same thing, over and over. I wish I could break free from this cycle to explore the world, discover its beauty, and find the meaning I'm searching for. I long to see breathtaking places, meet incredible people, and uncover the things that inspire and move me.

But it's not just about me. I want to help others those who don't have a home, food, or the simple comforts of life. I want to bless those in need and give back to Mother Nature, who gives so much to us. It's heartbreaking to see how disconnected we've become, feeding ourselves fake food and ignoring the very earth that sustains us.-

submitted by /u/OkResponsibility3079
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