Not really sure if this is the right place for this sort of question so please excuse me if it isn't. I am a 24y/o male in the UK. My question is, is it weird or not socially accepted to do activities alone? I am talking about going to restaurants, football matches and generally things you would probably usually do with others?
I have friends but none of my friends share any interests in the things I enjoy so our friendship goes as far as a few drinks in the pub occasionally. Lately I have been going alone to football matches to support my team (3hrs away each way) and it dawned on me that maybe that wasn't normal. The reason I do this is because I tried for months maybe even years to get people to come with me. In the end I decided I'd just go alone and I do really enjoy it.
I have almost accepted that I will be alone due to my lack of confidence in social situations and my difficulties talking to new people. For that reason, I am looking ahead and wondering if it would be weird for me to go to a restaurant alone? I still don't want to miss out on these nice things even if I am alone.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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