I am writing a term paper on racism and anti-Semitism in literature. I am almost finished with the research and writing, but I wanted to check here your impressions of some of the books I mentioned in my term paper. I would like you to write what impressions the books listed below left on you and what you think about their anti-Semitic element, is it just a satirical way of writing or are they very serious prejudices? The most difficult thing for me to finish was the chapter on anti-Semitism, because often some works are both considered and not considered anti-Semitic, such as Voltaire's "Candide".
Evelyn Waugh: A Handful of Dust
Graham Greene: Stamboul Train
Charles Dickens: Oliver Twist
Geoffrey Chaucher: The Canterbury Tales
Jack London: Martin Eden
Song of Roland
Friedrich Hebbel: Judith
Franz Grillparzer: The Jewess of Toledo
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