Literary Litter Maybe

1 week ago 27

Was supposed to send our Department Director a communications mending type something after being a pain in the ass for a few weeks.

Got a few words in, blacked out, wrote this instead. Like - he reads stuff. GIVE ME RESPONSIBILITIES totally not unsettling smile attempt


Within this message I will attempt to expand and clarify concepts we briefly touched on yesterday and, for want of understanding, through sheer unyielding bluntness elucidate a reality I have thus far been unable to properly communicate.

Do not mistake my peremptory form or pithy 'conclusionism's' for an heir of contemptuous allusion... Ok, ok - you're inside of a literary joke, with words that aren't exactly words, usages that aren't not accepted usages, exactly, yet may or may not be easily described to mean the opposite of what was incorrectly attempted to not be described in the last place.

Clearly, my purpose in the reductio ad absurdum is to demonstrate that I am not using unveiled language or not misleading ideas in the explanations to come, 'cause if ya' don't get the prior - ya' couldn't possibly not get the latter. Like - Yawp! Am I right?

Socratic Farming in the Orwell Oblast by Napoleón & His Pet Pig J. Milli*

  • Should J. Milli oversee a land war in France? Who can say... But potatoes don't grow in Orwell, and even if they did - the landscape is riddled with open windows...Which you may have known, had you bothered to ask the question...
submitted by /u/alphabravowhiskey13
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