Life is weird

1 week ago 19

The universe is tossing me into memory lane. I had a very good friendship group in the past. But you know we grew up, seperated our ways. There are some Im still in contact with. But with lot of them I didnt meet them or text with them at least 1-2 years ago maximum 5-6 years ago. And in the last 2 weeks Im bumping into them and we started texting.. or we went out for coffee. Im bumping into exes.. my best friends exes. People I used to date.. I dream about old friends (who I didnt met in the last 2 week in person so I meet with them in my dreams) Its just weird like in 2 weeks I met like 10 of my old friends and they comeing back to my life.. and it feels like my past life and my life now is mergeing into one other and it feels weird. Did somebody have a life experience like this? Its like life shows me my past life mistakes problemes.. the good old times.. I cant explain it its just a weird feeling

submitted by /u/Timi0506
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