At 32 years old, trying to find my way to contribute in society in a meaningful way, I realized that life literally feels like highschool gym class that I don’t feel like participating in. Popularity contests and the people that get so into it and want you to be super into it too, and then they’re mad that you’re not into it like they are.
Interviews are so cringe. I can’t even fake enthusiasm anymore. I relate so hard to that meme that’s like
-“why do you want this job?” -“I’m really passionate about being able to afford food”
I did gym class because I had to. Half the time I wouldn’t even get changed. The whole thing just seemed silly and annoying and totally unnecessary. I got my exercise on my own time at the gym after school. I liked to do it my way, I just just didn’t like participating or being expected to. It’s like Who makes these rules anyway? That we have to do this shit? And that’s how I feel about a lot of the jobs today. Why are there so many dumb meaningless jobs that people are expected to do?
So yeah, that’s why I don’t have a family yet and I refused to have one until I find meaningful work for myself.
And before anyone says, must be nice, I’m a minimalist, I live way below the little means I do have, and I always have money saved from working over the years to fall back on so I can quit the jobs I can’t tolerate. I’m out here trying though, to figure it out every day.
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