life is hard

2 months ago 36

Nope this is not a f my life it all sucks post more a motivational one.

life is hard doing the thing is hard but if you reframe the thought process when u look at hard.

You say ok if u keep doing and yup I'm gona have to be disciplined I might have to do some ryu uppercuts along the way.

But if I keep tapping away at doing I know 99.9% of others won't so that means more for me and they miss out.

See then it changes thought process where the journey gets more fun because no one else is on it with you.

I duno does it make sense.

I'm working on writing all top writers say study human psychology marketing n Pursuasion to get really good at writing

Thats what I am doing its real interesting how the human mind works when it comes to buying.

My focus is not punctuation and all the basic bs but more on the reader.

What they get from it no one cares about punctuation its about bringing the reader in.

I really love the human psychology n Pursuasion most people who buy are been reeled in by tactics that they are invisible to.

It's not a bad thing its just how Pursuasion marketing human psychology works...

Theres emails out there that have made millions from the way they were written.

So yeah rambling on a bit but do the thing.

Love to know what people want to do like dreams maybe u putting off something.

Whats holding u back

submitted by /u/PrudentPotential729
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