Life is difficult, here’s the secret

2 months ago 68

I’m so tired and heartbroken by how nihilistic and despondent most people view their lives. Yes, life is full of challenge, heartache, hurt, despair, violence, and pain. The secret though is that all of those difficulties unlock higher levels of joy, happiness, love, empathy, peace and pleasure. The key to unlocking it is first, realizing that EVERYBODY around you is facing some sort of challenge. You often may not see or be aware of their trials, but they are deep in them, just as you are. Second step is forgetting your own self serving others. Once you begin to lift another from their pit, you will find you have changed your view on life and will begin to see and actualize opportunities to make your life better.

Note: this is also an endless cycle. Once you get through on trial, another comes. But repeating the selflessness unlocks more joy and happiness.

Life sucks for us all, but there is happiness to be found. Forget yourself and go serve another person. I promise you won’t regret it.

submitted by /u/TTGreene
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