I don’t really know what to say! I am 25, in a 5 year relationship with my boyfriend. We wanna move out soon, get engaged and get married. I work in HR, mediocre pay and job. I am trying to do better but slowly i believe i’ll climb the ladder. My parents are sick so i take care of them alot. Otherwise, there’s not much else to it. Life seems to be so mundane lately. I am an artsy person! I grew up dancing, singing and playing piano. I played soccer too. I used to be in great shape going to the gym all the time. I’m sort of just stagnant now. I want to take dance classes, i want to pick up piano and get better again. I want to find new hobbies and passions. I want to explore more. Idk where to start. Open to any suggestions and thank you in advance!!!
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