Life is about finding yourself and letting people find you.

1 month ago 41

I just wanted to say this to anyone who is feeling a bit stuck. Life is about finding yourself and letting people find you. What I mean is to be truly happy in this life you must put in a good amount of work to simply find what makes you happy and what makes you, you. While you do this PLEASE make sure to lower your walls, by all means have boundaries but boundaries do not need walls to be respected or communicated. Let people in, hear people out ESPECIALLY when you don't understand them or even disagree with them. Do not be afraid to tell people when you need to borrow an ear or tell them when you are lonely. The great humans among us will come running to be by your side. And please remember to love people for simply being. I know that last one may sound so dumb but when I really started to live everyone my whole life changed. I went from seeing everyone as a jerk or an idiot to seeing everyone as the child they once were. There is something powerful about being able to see the kid someone once was. I hope these words find the person who needs them most. Much love ♥️

submitted by /u/QVigi
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