1 month ago 23

I live in Canada. I had received several promptings for the past three weeks to visit a very specific location in south east Ontario within Prince Edward County. It is a county known for its "hampton-like" beaches and vineyards. It is a very quiet town with little to no light pollution and only has "life" during the summer/early autumn season.

I drove there last night and parked at a particular spot where I believed the universe/God/my ancestors were calling me.

I looked at the stars and asked out loud "Why am I drawn to this location? I want clarity. I want answers. Show yourself to me."

I turned around and my partner immediately saw shooting stars. I was not lucky enough to see anything. I turned around and several stars appeared. I was not satisfied with my experience and admittedly a bit frustrated with the fact that I had driven nearly three hours east of Toronto for a (albeit beautiful) star filled sky.

As I was driving home I suddenly saw a green orb about 100-150 feet in the air appear and disappear. It quickly appeared, flew by at an incredibly fast speed and then dissapeared. It looked to be about the size of a motorcycle or a small car and almost like a boomerang/triangle shape.

I quickly yelled at my partner asking if he had seen it and he said "no, I had turned my head before it appeared."

I received my answer last night. These UAP, UFO's, ORBS, interdimensional beings are not "alien" in nature. They are spiritually connected to us. They are part of US. We are part of a collective conscious and we can summon/manifest these beings if we have a sincere purpose and seek earnestly.

I have not been able to sleep.....

submitted by /u/Tekashi9ine6ix_
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