Know Your Real Enemies: Revisionist Zionists

2 months ago 30

1️⃣ They started as a terrorist organization: IRGUN. At the time of their founder Ze'ev Jabotinsky.

One of Jabotinsky's assistants was Benzion Netanyahu, father of Benjamin Netanyahu.

Irgun would become the Likud Party.

2️⃣ Benjamin Netanyahu, and the Likud Party, created the 'Arab terrorist' persona (Jerusalem Conference on Terrorism, 1979). For the sole purpose of diverting attention away from the revisionist zionists their "Greater Israel", their crimes, their world war against all non-jews.

3️⃣ After decades of receiving billions of dollars in U.S. government funding, Netanyahu's terrorist gang decided to plan and execute 9/11 (2001).

This was done to create a permanent state of fear in society, worldwide.

Populations that live in fear are easier to manipulate.

4️⃣ Likud inserted itself in the political communitarian movement, once headed by Amitai Etzioni.

Part of the movement's agenda is "Community 2020". An elaborate plan to install a global scientific dictatorship, in which tyranny is achieved through a self-policing 'community'.

5️⃣ "Community 2020" includes (is certainly not limited to) biological warfare, a slow-kill program through 'medical' injections ('COVID vaccines). And the most extensive data creation and data mining operation ever created by mankind. In order to exterminate and control non-jews.

6️⃣ A centerpiece in revisionist zionism is the Bünting cloverleaf map. It implies, according to Netanyahu's death cult, that Israel and its Third Temple are the unelected 'central and supreme authority on everything', for the entire transhumanist world.

submitted by /u/AntiCommunitarian
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