Just turned 26 and I feel lost

1 month ago 22

I just turned 26 today. Time has gone by quickly, and I can't believe I graduated just about 4 years ago. Life is going better than I anticipated - I have a nice partner, good job, decent income, my finances are in a good position, I have a loving family, and I am in the process of buying a home. People could say I'm living the dream in a way. However, I wouldn't be writing this post if I didn't feel odd about it.

Why? Although my job is super chill, flexible, and straightforward, I don't feel like I'm pushing myself as far as I could. I sometimes feel I'm just running on auto mode, one day after another, to the point that the motion of time has disappeared. This makes me feel sometimes like I want to leave my job and do something wild such as change careers, move countries, or start a business on the side. However, I'm a bit clueless on how to get things started. I have applied for jobs, and although my CV looks alright, I have had no luck so far. I know I could carry on the way I am with my company and become a senior/lead in a few years, but do I really want that? I just know that I don't want to turn 30 and have tried nothing. Has anyone gone through the same feeling? What did you do to change your mindset?

submitted by /u/young_millennial
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