Job Application Nuance

1 month ago 47

So being in California I’m guessing Job Application constantly ask “Are you Hispanic or Latino” (whatever tf that means because all of Europe spoke “Latin” when Rome was on top. And even though I’m “Mexican American” I don’t speak a lick of Spanish) long story short I hear it’s about some demographic count and keeping equal opportunity in the work place. Which I’m 100% with but my question is what happened to hiring someone because he/she is a good worker and can perform the job counted their work experience. Why do I even have to state this if I’m any Race? What this tells me personally is that if a job has “too many Mexicans” worker there. I can’t get the job regardless of how much I’m qualified. Which let’s face it I’m in Central California that’s just about everyone out here. Seems to me like they added fuel to the fire.

submitted by /u/AntiFallacy91
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