It seems like so many youtube channels that previously covered paranormal/conspiracy things just turned into "debunk" channels suddenly?

2 months ago 48

The rise of debunk videos is so annoying to me, for multiple reasons, but i find it a little bit odd too. Specifically the timing within the last years.

A lot of my favorite youtubers that did paranormal, missing411, conspiracy, high strangeness content ended up going towards just debunking videos or cases they don't like. Dont get me wrong, there were always the skeptics and critics but now its so many. And new channels popping up with purely ONLY snarky debunking as their personality.

It goes deeper than that for me.

Its almost like people are even incapable of suspension of disbelief for a moment to enjoy a spooky video that is clearly fake. Like yes nobody in their right mind can think some ghost or ufo videos are real, but its fun to play. Its a version of using your imagination and having fun with fantasy.

There is also a difference between straight debunking and then investigating errors. One of my favorite channels still remaining is the missing enigma for missing411, because he will correct the bad information without going on a whole rant and tirade about how the person probably predated or just lost. That ignores the whole investigation that something else could have still happened to those people, he doesn't do that and leaves the info open to interpretations.

Its just really weird how all these debunk things started coming out this year too. A lot of channels I watched started off as actually having fun and even if a video was fake they could commend the edit effort if it was good... not anymore bruh. Not anymore.

submitted by /u/Ironicbanana14
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