When I was a kid probably, ten or eleven years old. I watched this cartoon called chowder, a very weird cartoon might I add. If my memory serves right. Chowder has a friend a floating fart (or something that looks like it) called kimchi. Chowder works under a chef called mung daal, he’s kinda like an apprentice chef. So one day mung daal makes a dish that stinks and kimchi ends up falling in love with it. I don’t know remember the exact details but the dish and kimchi broke up or couldn’t be together so Mung daal consoles kimchi saying
“You know what they, It’s better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all” or something along that line
The quote stuck to me and at 12:34 am I remembered that, so my question to my fellow Redditors is.
Do you agree with the statement? If yes, why? If no, why?
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