It came to me like a whisper from the shadows - first post after almost 10 years.

2 months ago 26

An overthinker here - Just realised that internet and social media is ACTUALLY a way to find yourself and to share your joy, worries and ideas with others.

This is the first post that I'm ever making after almost 10 years anywhere on the internet, was probably busy overthinking/living IRL/finding myself while overthinking!

I have always been a private person, don't like to share myself or much about my life with anyone, like literally anyone.

But just had a thought.. what if I meet someone someday that I admire and would hopefully decide to take the first baby step to share a little about me, what then? Where would they start? From the very start? In this fast pace life where anyone barely has time for others.

Which then made me think of social media, it's somewhere you share yourself to some extent, your thoughts, your growth, your likes/dislikes, things that you love and care for. It's just as beautiful as it's scary.

But it's a good point of start for anyone who would want to get to know you better.

I know there are others like me who want to share their thoughts, feelings and emotions with others but fail to do so, maybe because of social anxiety, being judged, or even just scared in general. I feel the same way but then sometimes you want to be felt 'heard' and 'understood'. I hope someday we would want to open up a little to share our beautiful selves with everyone.

I guess this would be my start.

submitted by /u/Any-Secret3258
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