Isn't it kind of absurd? How none of us chose to be here? We didn't consent to any of this, yet here we are forced to play this game of life, and the even crazier part is we didnt choose who our parents are and how rich they are, what country or city we're born in, what time period we're born in and most importantly, we didn't choose our brain and genetics. We're just dumped with a random starting class and told to get on with it.
And now here we are and have to worry about work, bills, rent, friends, family, mental health, our health, the fact that we've got a body that anything can happen to???, we have to worry about politics and relationships and dating and death and religion and cleaning and chores and eating properly and 2/3 times a day and exercise. And we have to do all of this EVERYDAY, damn anyone else find it all abit exhausting
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