Is this for real?

4 months ago 42

I’m a 45-year-old woman, married to my 37-year-old husband for 7 years, and together for a total of 15 years. About a year ago, I discovered that my husband has been exploring cross-dressing. At first, he claimed it was just a phase, but over time, I found evidence that it’s something much more significant. We stopped being intimate about 3 years ago, and there’s been no affection between us since. I’ve come to accept his interest in this other lifestyle, and I support him in whatever he wants to be. I believe he stays married to me to hide his true self from his family, as they’re not as accepting. He insists that’s not the case, but what other reason could there be to stay in this marriage?

The issue I’m facing is that I’m a hopeless romantic. I deeply crave the affection and attention of a man. I want to fall in love and experience happiness. I’ve become angry at the world for bringing this situation into my life, and it’s taken a toll on my mental health and self-esteem.

I would truly appreciate any advice or words of encouragement.

submitted by /u/itssexyabbi
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