First context: 39 year old married American mom with two kids. Dual income household. Middle upper class in a metropolitan area where there’s a lot of white collar jobs. Both husband and I have white collar jobs.
But yall. I feel like both my husband and I burn the candle on both ends and it’s been going on for a while. I’m wondering if this reality I live in is unique to just our household, our demographic, our country, or just… our generation?
Our two toddlers go to daycare. Our day starts at 6am, 6:30 the latest. Kids are out the door by 7:30 and our workday (we work hybrid and from home) starts around 8:30am. But it doesn’t stop at 5:30pm, when one of us has to go get the kids from school before they get kicked out. We have dinner as a family at 6ish and put the kids to bed by 7:30/7:45. And then both of us usually start wrapping up our workday by 8:30, after the dishes have been put away and lunches packed.
The “close of the work day” usually ends at 10:30pm. We shower and wind down till around 11/11:30 and get up the next day to do it all over again.
Is this normal? Am I just getting old? I feel like I don’t have enough time with my kids or to myself. I feel like I’m just working alllll the time.
Recall hearing our parents’ generation talking about the workday stopping at 5pm. Never in my adult life has my workday ever stopped before 6pm.
Do people in other countries who are parents work this schedule? What’s your schedule like? Am I just soft and whiny? 😫
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