Is there a modern White Noise?

2 months ago 37

In White Noise Murray says(this quote doesn't really spoil the book but to be cautious) “The family is the cradle of the world’s misinformation. There must be something in family life that generated factual errors. …. Murray says we are fragile creatures threatened by a world of hostile facts. Facts threaten our happiness and security. … the family process works toward sealing off the world. Small errors grow heads, fictions proliferate.” At the time or in the book much of the world the family is protecting itself from, the world outside their town, comes in through the TV. In the present 2024 the world is not divided between us and TV as much, but we as individuals and families have in a sense become the TV through social media: YouTube, Twitter etc. And there is an ever present fear of misinformation in society now. Fact Checks abound. Is there any modern book like White Noise that extends Murrays analogy of how the family protects itself with errors and fictions to the consequence that society via social media creates the accession of the families misinformation.

Murray argued this process was needed to protect the family. But now all of us have become essentially the dominant media. Also any books along this vein that would say Murrays paradigm doesn’t extend enough? Something else is going on as well? I’ve not really found any good contemporary literature from the last few years or so that makes these kind of arguments. Much of what I see of modern literature is concerned more with social justice. I’m still trying to understand the present more from a technological media studies point of view.

submitted by /u/PulsarMike
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