Is my mom. Messing up my life???

1 month ago 56

Everytime i do something somehow my mom just expects me to do bad. Even when i dont want to, And it just keeps messing with my head, all of the time its just me to blame. I want to clarify that i understand she is right and i understand when she is wrong,I completely understand when I’m in the wrong. But there is a tipping point where it just starting to mess my with my own head. And don’t want to put the blame on her because i know where she is coming from but there is point where she just continuously just puts the blame on me and i cant do nothing about and i just end up being on the wrong side of things. It’s completely messed up my life ever since i was a kid and i don’t know how to react to this. Everything she tells me just makes me angry at this point in my life. Ive always felt like i cant live my own life without her input and i cant figure things out on my own because she is just completely in my way, this is the worst fueling because i love her but i just dont know how i can just keep letting her do this, because everything just ends up going left when she does. What should i do???

submitted by /u/Intelligent-Coast-22
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