Is it my fault?

3 months ago 39

Their was this guy i text to. We almost nevwr talk at class, but when we return from school we would talk all the time. But the cause is he talks to this girl at school all the time. And no i don't like that guy romantically but when i got to meet him i started liking him. He told me that he does not like that girl and to be honest he is telling the truth. And she doesn't like him either. They just have a very platonic relationship. But the problem is he has chemistry with her. They get along so well. And with me...sometimes the conversations are akward. He did told me many things about him. About his family, that his father is sick and so on. But we still didn't have the same energy, and i did start getting hurt when he laughs with her. So i decided to stop talking to him. I told him that we can't talk anymore. He did try to talk to me about it but i insisted. At school he did started to ignore me and that is reasonable. But the thing that bothered me is that he seemed sad about it. But when he talked to her he would eventually get better. Yesturday i heard that his dad died. And currently i don't know what to do?

submitted by /u/someone1613
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