Is it just me, or does everything feel… off lately?

2 months ago 28

I don’t get what’s happening with the world and AI anymore. It feels like everything big or important used to have this gradual buildup, so you’d know it was coming. Like when the first iPhone came out there was so much hype leading up to it, months of excitement and leaks before it actually dropped.

Even with Covid, you’d hear about cases starting to pop up before lockdowns hit, so at least you had some time to process it. Same with wars usually, there’d be years of tension, so when it finally escalated, you weren’t totally shocked. Or with space missions, you’d slowly learn about them and get excited over time.

But AI? Tesla robots? Where was the buildup for that? I knew robots were in development, but it was always these clunky prototypes that didn’t seem like a big deal. And then suddenly, out of nowhere, Tesla robots are here and they actually work? Same with AI. One day in December 2022, ChatGPT just… appeared. No gradual announcements, no slow hype, nothing. If there even were some it was maybe 3 months before only or so? I’d never even heard of ChatGPT before that day. It feels like it all happened overnight.

And honestly, I’m 30 now, and I still can’t fully wrap my head around everything. Inflation skyrocketed, world crises feel nonstop, and technology just exploded without warning. It all feels so strange like the world skipped a step and we’re just here, expected to keep up.

Maybe it’s just winter making me overthink, but I’ve never felt this disconnected from what’s happening. Does anyone else feel like everything’s moving way too fast, or is it just me? 😳

Even kids.. today, aren’t really kids. They don’t play the games we did, they are glued to the screens and iPads 24/7 and knows how to use smartphones better than me lol and I was a teen there when iPhone 1 got announced… so that made me feel stupid when there was some feature on my iPhone my best friend’s kid taught me about a few days ago….

Sometimes I have nostalgia for 2000-2019, seems like it was a time for itself, lol. Even amidst the chaos back then, it wasn’t that “off putting” as everything is now.

I seriously can’t describe it better than I feel like we’re in an episode of black mirror… ??

submitted by /u/Aelyanna
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