Is it a waste of time to care about what others are doing ?

1 day ago 12

I just grew up in this culture of constant comparison and this copy and paste mentality. Like you would constantly hear this phrase, look what they are doing now look what you are doing. If they can do it so can you. And overtime it feels toxic hearing this like don’t family understand everybody potentional is different. Not everyone has high IQ or strong mind or body. Not everyone is talented like other person. Maybe they have their own talent and desires. And even if you try to do something different you end up get bashed and you end up feeling regret like why did I even try a new path. Failure is lesson but failure to me feels like the end of everything.

I feel like for so many years I’ve truly not been focusing on my life at all. Hearing constant taunts and judgement as if your no good and stuff made me felt small from inside and I lost the desire to work on my life. And now my family says the same thing look what they are doing and look at you. Don’t have nothing going right. You don’t have college degree like them. You don’t have a relationship like they do. You don’t have secure job like they do.

submitted by /u/Jpoolman25
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