I have had a very average life so far. Average in school, average in college, did post grad from an average college, average grades all through.
I have a small average looking house( I am very grateful for this). I don't aspire for a bigger house. No great talents or skills. I have just 4 close friends. I am shy and introverted.
I have a steady and stable relationship, it's been 12 years and I am 100 percent committed to him for life. We don't aspire to have a wedding, get married, or have kids. We rescue stray animals. We have 23 rescue cats. We are content with our relationship andwe don't even live together but we are as happy as we can be. We go out on simple dates, nothing fancy, just movie nights or dinner dates at average restaurants. We have a collaborative goal of opening a sanctuary for rescue animals.
I take care of my ageing blind father ( I come from a broken home so this time with my father means everything to me.) I take it as an absolute honour to be able to care for him.
I have goals- Good health( Have always struggled with chronic diseases) ,fitness and pursuing simple hobbies like reading, brewing coffee/tea, , or just hiking/ cycling. Nothing fancy. Even my hobbies and goals are average lol.
I don't drink, I dont smoke. I dont vape. No subtances at all.
All around me, I see my friends/cousins/family pursuing bigger things like a bigger house, a bigger shiny car, a grand wedding, planning for kids, the next big jump in their corporate career, planning luxury vacations, eating amazing food at amazing restaurants ,buying precious jewels, latest gadgets or luxury stuff. No judgements at all, I feel happy when people are happy and doing their thing.
I somehow, honestly, have no interest in any of these things. Every area of my life seems just average.
I don't know if this is contentment/satisfaction, or am I just being complacent in my life. I feel quite normal when I am just going about living my life, but when I look at the world doing stuff I kind of feel - may be something is wrong with me? May be I am the outcast, or the loser who is not wanting the things the society and its " Normal people " want? Am I the just stuck in my comfort zone and should I step out to achieve more? What would be the path personal growth for me?
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