In this seemingly selfish world is there still true humanity?

1 month ago 53

I’ve been hurt by everyone around me growing up, and then immediately suffering health wise up until this moment. I’ve been beyond my breaking point for idk how long now, life truly has been the cruelest to me, but for some reason the one thing that keeps me here is my love for human connection and kindness. In the past I’ve put helping others and being there for other people above my own needs which obviously wasn’t the best idea but it’s just who I am as a person. I believe humans should be there to help each other out, and there’s a reason we’re all on this planet together. Although I’ve been moving further and further from my happiest version, which includes having these genuine connections. I know some people say “focus on your own happiness” but for me having connection is a huge contributor to my happiness so how could I not care? I feel quite alone in the sense that it seems everyone else is so focused on themselves, and living ‘selfishly’ and I just don’t know if I’m doing life wrong or if I’m too sentimental? It’s just scrolling through your list of contacts to find you can’t speak to your own family is really hard, and made me question if we’re really supposed to live so independently. I’m not sure if this even makes sense but just a mini thought dump.

Also: if anyone has experienced recent genuine acts of kindness (not recorded on a camera) then please share, I need some faith that there’s still hope for this world 😔

submitted by /u/anonymous36758
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