So I’m not gonna say that Sanderson is equivalent to Tolstoy or anything. Because that’s just not true. I read lots of books and fairly broadly as well, and I do think there is an unfair dismissal of genre works in academic literature in particular. While yes, there is a lot of slop, again Sanderson springs to mind, there is a lot of slop in lit fic as well. A little life is basically trauma porn, and Jodi Picoult is generally awful. That said there is still good lit fic being written today just as there is really good genre fiction. Not recent but Gene Wolfe is generally looked on favourably for example. And more and more people grow up on sci-fi/fantasy and this has obviously had an impact on modern writing as well.
One thing is that many classic books also have genre elements such as Frankenstein and Dracula for example being sci-fi and horror respectively. Not to mention today we have writers like Susannah Clarke for example who write fantasy with a fairly literary approach. In the past we’ve also had Gene Wolfe, Phillip K Dick, and Ursula Le Guin. I just think today’s work hasn’t had enough time to filter out. Sturgeon’s law also states that 90% of everything is crap, so in contemporary times we can’t tell which works will stand the test in time. Many popular authors like Charles Dickens for example were also criticised for their mass appeal. So while I don’t think all of sci-fi and fantasy is worthy of being studied, I do think we haven’t filtered through time yet.
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