In need of genuine physical/face to face interactions

1 month ago 20

As the title says, I (20M) am in need of genuine physical/face to face interactions. I have been chatting with people online ever since my late teens (17 specifically), but recently I started to grow out of interacting with people online and started to crave for face to face interactions. It honestly gets really tiring to just interact with people through a small screen, and it takes a toll on you mentally. I wish I realized this sooner, but that doesn't matter now. And I'm not expecting to have a long conversation with someone face to face, because even a simple hello is enough for me.

I know it's hard to find people to actually interact with face to face, since they see the Internet as the (slightly) safest place to chat with other people, but at least I know I'm not the only one who feels this way. I go to counseling, but I don't have any other social environment besides counseling. I know that I sound very desperate, but I'm really in need of face to face interactions (outside of counseling).

submitted by /u/LoneWolfNergigante
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