imo wether you turn out happy or miserable in life is 90% genetic

2 months ago 38

What I mean is your innate traits. The things you cannot control and are completely influenced by outside forces. basically you have no real free will. For example being jealous and comparing yourself to others. Some people like me are just naturally extremely jealous. Now the reason I put 90% genetic on the title instead of 100% is actually because of the outside forces going in your favor. I never thought of myself capable of this much jealousy it was always possible because the genetic trait was there ,just temporarily dormant, the reason I was not jealous was because I subconsciously thought I was superior and there was no reason for me to be jealous ,but once this person started making improvements in their life its like this jealousy that was laying dormant for so long erupted like a volcano except it didn't because I was holding it all in which is probably worse for me because I feel literal physical pain from it. Some people are also just naturally bubbly and happy or outgoing and expressive without fear and that is simply not me. Some people are born with the ability to self validate themselves and that is also not me , I rely on others validation to be content. I have no real identity at all ,and am literally incapable of validating myself. Non of this would have happened if I wasn't born jealous to begin with.

submitted by /u/Key-Opinion-1700
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