Im scared.

1 month ago 53

M17 here, 18 in a few months. I dont know what im gonna do, im watching my country fall apart and i dont even know if life is gonna be worth living in 10-20-30 years . Avoiding names, our current president isnt gonna make my life easier. My taxes are gonna be going up, i already cant find a job after looking for almost a year, and the under-the-table job that i did have let me go recently. I really dont know what to do. Ive been trying for months to get a job, i dont have a bad record or anything, i cant go to school because of money, and im not gonna be able to get out of student debt if i do.

What am i supposed to do. How am i expected to survive? How do i get a job? What should i know going into this hellscape of adult life?

submitted by /u/homophobichomo-
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