Im 21 I feel old and im going nowhere

9 hours ago 4

I know 21 is supposed to be young, but I feel old. Like I’ve already missed out on everything important. I look around, and it seems like everyone has a clear path—whether it’s school, a career, or just some sense of direction. Meanwhile, I’m stuck, feeling like I’m going nowhere.

I used to have a girlfriend, and for a while, things were great, she was great. We were together for 4 years, she loved me I could feel it. But looking back, I realize I was just dragging her down. I had no direction then, and I still don’t. I thought about going to uni, I wanted to, but it never happened. Now I’m working, and every day just feels the same. I don’t know where I’m heading, or if I’m heading anywhere at all.

I want to do so much in life but I don't want to do anything at all at the same time. I want to make a lot of money like everyone else, but I don't have a path and im kinda lazy about things im not passionate about... I have not figured out what im passionate about yet.

I see people my age or younger already achieving things, already figuring out their lives. And here I am, feeling like I’m already too late. Too late for what? I don’t even know. But this feeling won’t go away.

I used to wanna make music when I was 17 so I bought a whole gear/equipment but I never actually started making music, now I feel 2 old for it, I used to wanna make videos on youtube, same thing never started with it...

Has anyone else felt like this? Does it ever get better?

submitted by /u/Emergency-Rent7181
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