Im 20 and my life feels like its over

1 month ago 21

Hello, my friends,

I'm a 20-year-old guy who finished school last year (I guess you could say I'm a late bloomer or maybe just plain stupid, I don't know).

I never found love during my school years, and that opportunity feels like it's slipped away. I'm pretty immature for my age, seriously, I feel like a kid inside. I never had a chance at a school crush because, frankly, there wasn't anyone who caught my eye. I missed the prime setting to meet that special someone when I was younger, and it feels like that golden window has closed (I know it sounds like a cheesy romance anime, but it's something I really wished for). If there's a prime time to find a lover, I feel like I've definitely missed it. It hurts to think that I might not find that special kind of love, that there's no one out there who is my counterpart. I worry that we won't form that special bond that would have been easier to create in the past, or that I'm simply way way way WAY too immature for my age.

The only good things I got from school were 3-4 male friends.

(And that's just my non-existent love life...)

Since leaving school, I've been unemployed because I never had any sort of career orientation. My only thought was that I didn't have a special passion or talent to choose a specific job. I still don't want to wake up early, do something I hate just for money, and then repeat that cycle 5 days a week for 60 years. But there's no guarantee that will change. I'm also very unsatisfied with many aspects of myself—my appearance, feeling stupid, being lazy, etc. In short, I'm a loser who didn't enjoy his "youth" and hasn't grown up much. Now, there's no good harvest to reap, and I can't see my life getting any better from here on out because I've basically already messed things up before turning 20.

Thank you for anyone who forced themselves to read through my long boring text of why my life sucks

submitted by /u/Xx_just_a_dude_xX
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