If you had the capability, which one general world issue would you target first?

2 months ago 32

If you had the power and resources, which one world issue would you feel motivated to alleviate/change?

Some examples (not limited to) may be:

  1. National or global economic instability
  2. Geopolitical unrest
  3. Access and expense of education
  4. Overpopulation of urban centres
  5. Cost of living (housing, utilities, luxuries etc.)
  6. Climate change and/or environmental degradation
  7. Accessibility and/or cost of healthcare
  8. Tax evasion of large corporations
  9. Political/governmental imbalances of power
  10. Human rights violations (discrimination, inequality, slavery etc.)
  11. Criminal penalties (e.g. level of penalty in relation to severity of crime)
  12. Other (feel free to comment)
submitted by /u/-Flighty-
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