If we could all just care about each other

2 months ago 30

The world would be a much better place if we all just actually and honestly cared about each other. Neighbors helping each other. Family wanting to spend time and genuinely enjoy each other. Compassionate parents that devote tons of time and energy hanging out and doing everything with their kids. More rich people actively searching for and finding the things that need change in the world, and opening nonprofits like food banks and shelters, providing community services like mental health services, career training/tech school programs, lawmakers honestly putting themselves in other people's shoes, visiting schools, prisons, hospitals and nursing homes. Making true reform and providing human beings with basic needs and dignity.

Are there any places that exist like that? How do you build one? By volunteering? Provide what you can spare be it money, time or a labor/product and see what needs to be done. What would you like to see start? Where would you start?

Just imagine if every child in the world was loved, cherished and provided for.

submitted by /u/coffeeblood126
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