I'm 30f now and I enlisted into the army because I've read they are the most lenient when it comes to waivers. I may still be too early considering it's been about 5 months since I last took any medication and seen counseling for mental health related reasons but I feel like the military is my last hopes at stability...
Last year was tough and I really needed to talk to someone and ended up taking medication which I regret so much now.
I never went to the military when I was younger because I wanted to go to college instead. Well that didn't go as planned and it took my 6 years just to finish an associates degree.
My mother recently started talking about how she wants to go back home to her home country and I started to get a bit of an existential crisis because I have always been so attached to my mother and I guess I never realized how much I've relied on her until now.
Im worried about my future. I don't see myself ever getting married. I feel like I'll always be alone so I started to come back to the idea of finally trying the military.
Initially I wasn't going to do army but because of my health history they'd be the easiest to work with. I also have an autoimmune disease (hypothyrodism) that they may disqualify me for but according to my recruiter it depends on the symptoms so it may not be an automatic disqualifier.
I don't have any symptoms never did thankfully but do take medication just because my endo told me to.
Anyways I'm supposed to go to MEPS on Monday and I feel there's a strong liklihood of either getting disqualified or needing a waiver.
If I can't get into the army I feel as if I won't know what else to do with my life. I can hardly afford to take care of myself and I currently live with my mother.
I want to finish college but I need to rely on FAFSA and right now I'm on academic probation. Plus there's talk of Trump getting rid of it idk...
But I'm just so worried about my future stability right now...I just need to be able to survive on my own 😞
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