I wish god actually existed

1 week ago 16

To put things bluntly i know god doesn’t exist. I wish i could believe in a god i truly do but i just cant. The thousands of different gods and generally speaking in most religions you have to believe that 1 certain god created everything we know and love. (Assuming god is real) the odds of the god you believe in being the correct one is laughable. This makes me futher question why anybody believes in god at all… im left thinking am i the only logical person? Am i the only one that can put 2 & 2 together and see we are NOTHING. We are no more important than trees, plants, rats, lions, monkeys, birds. You guys really think that because we can make noises and have crafted a language we are more special? I want someone to talk to about this… im sad.

submitted by /u/ZaraGangBangz
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