i want to get a job, but…

2 months ago 71

i (18f) have recently been interested in working at dunkin, and this could be my potential first job. i’m a senior in high school, and i only have two classes. i don’t know how to drive, so my mom picks me up from school. i’ve told my mom and dad about getting this job because i want to save up or help them with buying me a car, and they say i ask for too many things (guilty!!!)

my mom is so against it, yet she wants me to? i keep telling her how i want a car, and she tells me “then go get a job and save up for it,” but then i tell her about this job, and she says “but who’s going to take you there? you could take an uber there because i gotta get back to work.” we literally live 6 mins away from there, and i would just be wasting money on ubers each day!!! she also said that if i wanted to go to college, i needed to focus on school. i only have two classes (that don’t give me a lot of work) and i’m in two clubs, what else can i do?? NOTHING!!! i can’t!!!!

my dad likes the benefits that come along with working at dunkin, and that i only have to work 4 hours, but he wants me to focus on my studies. he doesn’t want my grades to start dropping or me flunking in class. i told him that the only benefit from working would be that i can contribute to buying a car, and he said “ohh.. you’re right.”

i really wanna get this job so i can get a sense of freedom (being able to have money for myself) and get experience for the long run. my friend who works at another location says it’s a fun and easy job. at this point, i’m only getting mixed signals from them and it feels like i’m stuck.

please help me come up with a way to convince them!!

submitted by /u/jvngwxns
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