I want a girlfriend but…

3 months ago 34

Here’s a more polished version of your text:

I’m 20 years old and have never had a girlfriend. I’ve been on dates and had a few talking stages, but they always seem to end with the other person getting bored of me. I’m not really sure why, but I really want a girlfriend. I feel like, at 20, I should’ve had one by now. The problem is I don’t go out much, and when I do, cold approaching feels weird to me. I’m not an ugly guy, but the idea of just approaching someone out of nowhere doesn’t sit right with me. I’ve tried dating apps, but they don’t seem to work either. Girls either ghost me or I don’t get any matches I’m interested in. I really want a girlfriend, but I also don’t like feeling like I’m competing for someone’s attention. If we plan a date and you say you’ll let me know, but then you don’t follow up, I won’t chase after you. I feel like I’m wasting my time if I have to put in that much effort just to see you. When will this end? When will I find someone?

submitted by /u/thewalkto
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