I’ve had a fwb for two years

1 month ago 28

I’m unsure which sub to post this in but I just need help because I’m feeling pretty down. I am 26f and when I was 23-24 I spent all my time traveling and dating and having fun. I wasn’t really to dead set on a relationship but more in the mindset that if it happened then it happened. About halfway through 24 I met this guy and within maybe two months of texting we started sleeping together. Now from the jump I knew that it wouldn’t be anything more than what it was. Nor did I want it to be. I’m not trying to be rude but he is not someone I would see myself in a relationship. However, the sex is good.

Fast forward to two days before I turn 25, I ended up getting in a relationship. At the time when I first got with my ex I thought he was the ONE. But that quickly turned sour. Unfortunately he was and is the only man I’ve been in love with but we are no longer together. We broke up in September of last year. Within a month of me and my ex breaking up, I started sleeping with my fwb again. Well this past Sunday my fwb took me out and while we were getting dinner I accidentally burped and I was like “oops that’s embarrassing sorry” and then he goes “why are you embarrassed? We’ve been sleeping together for two years I’ve seen all of you.” Idk why but it just made me sad.

Hearing him say that just reminds me of how I have had so many failed relationships. It reminded me that I have not grown or progressed relationship wise since we first started sleeping together. I’m 26f and have literally not had one successful relationship. The fwb is actually the longest “relationship” (situationship) i have had and he’s not even my bf.

I just feel so sad because I do want to get married and have a family one day but rn I just feel like I’m such a broken person. Someone who may not be capable of loving and being able to make a relationship work.

Idk how to move forward about this.

submitted by /u/No_Caterpillar3159
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