I think that investing has caused a lot of problems.

3 months ago 45

I'm not a socialist or a lefty of any degree; I don't want to say "yeah control the stock market"....yet the damage that this system has caused cannot go unnoticed.

Just listing examples (in an unorganized fashion) we have the Military Industrial Complex...where people make TONS of money off of war and conflict. Some of these ways are through contracts; and other people invest in these companies that make weapons like Raytheon and make a fat stack when the next war happens.

Then we have prisons. Some prisons are privately owned and allow private investors. What comes into my mind is that the more people they have incarcerated, the more money the prison and the investors get. And I'm sure that this money extends to other branches of law enforcement. That could partially be why the war on drugs went down in corruption, greed, and racial motivation.

Aside from stocks (being a piece of a company), we have bonds. Which are like investing in loans. You know a good place that might allow you to invest in loans? Colleges. Some allow (mainly private schools) private investors. And student loans can make a lot of people rich. Why are there so many people in college debt? How did college expand their marketing to everyone? Why won't the debt get cancelled? Many people who work in these institutions, in human resources, and painstakingly, even many public high school counselors who try to send kids off to college.

And then we have traditional loans with banks. Couple that with inflation and we have interest rates that don't look pretty. But the Federal Reserve Bank (that prints the money) is an unregulated bank, a literal corporation at the top. And the FED really is just a way for the rich to enrich themselves. No regulation; you KNOW that the rich just invest in the loans that the FED gives out to the government and other banks...they literally and metaphorically print money for themselves. I find it funny when people say that Musk, Bezos, or whoever is the richest person out there. Maybe the richest entrepreneurs, not the richest people. The richest people are literally people that we've never seen before; they are people who own these banks.

So many people are in debt, so many people can't afford things. This all just seems like a giant trap that we're in to keep us in debt slavery. What good is money if you don't use it to keep people below you? Do I see the good in the Stock Market? Yes. Historically it has beaten inflation, and has been good for retirement plans. It can be good passive income for everyday people, and sometimes companies could use investors to help them out. Is it fair to say that certain companies can't have investors?

Yet...how many people do we know of actually make it from the crack house to the pent house thanks to this stuff? It seems to benefit those who already have money. I'm at a loss and don't know what to think about any of this...truly I'm just posting my observations and conflicting questions.

TL;DR Investing seems to make the rich richer, and sometimes gets people in debt or killed or locked up, and or in turn hurts everyone else some how.

submitted by /u/Final-Platypus-7593
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