I think it might be ok to be all alone forever in your life for me only.

2 months ago 30

Looks like I'm going to end up alone without any real friends or anyone, I only blame myself but its easier for me to fake myself and make others laugh or make my fake friends than real ones.

Usually real people are hard to come by for me nowadays and I'm only surrounded by fake smiles and fake people.

My father was always too busy partying with different girls and my mom use to work hard and long hours so I was left alone by myself as a second gen immigrant from 11-22.

They called me a failure until I recently proved myself with my internships and graduation and helped build their real estate empire which was also about to crumble very recently and that is also when I stopped helping them.

I've always given them thousands of dollars at the early stages and I'm soon going to leave and be all by myself.

Even the friends I have I know don't like me because they have given me signs that they only want to use me.

I've also been to many social events and I've become a person who is semi good at talking with people and most people only like me for my boxing/kickboxing.

Or they like me for my skills or business exp but nobody actually likes me.

I usually have to fake my smiles and fake myself around others which has led me to improve my social skills even more because everyone wants to talk to a person who smiles and even if people don't smile back it doesn't matter to me anymore.

I don't care if you guys downvote me and I'm ok with dying with fake people and I'm not happy or anything because I don't really feel emotions anymore and I feel more like a robot than a human these past years.

TLDR: I'm ok dying alone. I'm happy.

submitted by /u/Last_Consequence2760
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