I saw a video some months ago about something that stuck with me. They were laying out the differences between Italy and USA. Ironically I'm from Italy and been living in US for 7 years so I could truly see what the video is about. You see, the US has found a way to monetize everything out of everything. Is it the money that's making us this miserable? No, rather the fact that we're losing touch with real life. In Italy, we walk a lot. In US we pay for a gym membership to get in shape. In Italy, we take things slow, US is way more fast paced. In Italy, we meet up with family, friends, sit in front of a hot cup of coffee and some pastry and discuss life with them. In US you have to pay a therapist for someone to pay attention to you for more than 5 minutes.
I think we're so miserable even if we have all that we want, because our core natural state is tired of all these unnatural parts of our lives. We crave true human interaction, fresh air, friendliness, we crave rest, good food. It isn't necessarily a "goal" to achieve in 5 years, rather the way life is shaped here. People are losing skills due to so much comfort. People don't get out of the house anymore, people don't smile at strangers anymore. Everything is getting so mechanical, so boring, so repetitive, tiring and so unnatural...
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