I start a new job tomorrow it’s my first ever job too

1 month ago 73

So I 20M start a new job as a catering assistant at a hospital nearby. It’s my first ever job too and while this is something I’ve wanted for the longest time, I can’t help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness! For the last few years I’ve been struggling financially and relying on benefits which is a safety net however it’s not a lifestyle choice which I am aware of. I’ve always wanted to work for a living as I am able bodied and minded. It’s just a weird feeling going from having all the free time in the world to limited free time. It’s got me thinking how 40 hours a week is actually a lot of time to be working. I was considering asking my employer after a year of working there to go part time so from 5 days a week to 3 or maybe 4. The only thing about this that’s taking it’s toll on me is the lack of free time. I’m not anti-work I do believe work is healthy and good for you but for 40 hours? Goddamn lmao. 3-4 days a week of work is good enough but 5 days is a little too much. I don’t know why I’m posting this I guess I just want your guys words of encouragement sorry for ranting off on one 😅

submitted by /u/Distinct_Sir_9086
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