i ran away from my parents house

1 month ago 24

i'm a 14yo boy and i ran away from my parents house a week ago and they're still looking for me.

at first they tried to call me and then i took off my sim card because i didn't want them to call me or maybe track me.

now i live with a girl she's like 24 and she's the sweetest girl i've ever met she knows what i'm going through so she let me stay in her apartment with her.

i'm actually happy that i'm out of my homophobic parents but now what ?

its been a week and now i'm thinking what about school ? i'm not going to drop out of school because i know i need a degree in the future to work, but i can't go to school without my parents knowing so idk what to do.

i know you guys will say go back to your parents house and wait till you turn 18 but i can't do this.

i can't sue them or anything because i live in a very religious christian country so idk what to do

am i happy ? yes,but i have to think about the future and school and work idk what to do

submitted by /u/Abject_Cut_2493
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