I once nearly killed a grieving father and his whole family...

2 months ago 28

This incident occurred five years ago in 2019. I drove into a street without looking, and I went right in front of a car almost causing a terrible accident. The car I went in front of slammed on the breaks and leaned on the horn at me, but miraculously, no accident occurred...

Later on, as I was driving down the street, I turned to look back at the car I went in front of, and the driver was a man who had the most inconceivably and heartbreakingly sad expression on his face. Such an expression would only be found on the face of a person who had suffered a terrible tragedy. I then recognized him as a man who once spoke at an assembly at my high school, telling the story of how his son was killed by a drunk driver...

Shortly after this, his car pulled up next to mine, and I turned around to look at the man directly in his face. When I looked at him, he looked back at me with a look of incredibly deep disgust and loathing, like I was the most disgusting thing he had ever laid eyes on. In all life, I had never had anyone look at me that way before. Nevertheless, I continued to stare directly in his eyes intensely for a long time, and his expression of loathing eventually turned into an expression of pain and sadness. I then saw that he had his family in the car with him. He then drove past me, and a little later on after this, he stuck his arm out of his car window and gave me the middle finger. I could tell that there was immense hatred behind that gesture...

Sometime after this, I looked on this man's facebook page, and I found there many posts and comments made by the man talking about how much he despises drunk/reckless drivers. He made comments saying that drunk/reckless drivers should be killed, and that they should be killed in the most brutal ways possible (such as being dragged to death up and down the expressway). I would imagine that he feels that I deserve to be brutally killed in such a manner, and that he would like to have the privilege of brutally killing me himself...

Even though it has been many years now since this incident occurred, it still doesn't sit well with me that there is someone out there who truly feels such an extreme loathing for me, who hates me so much that he would brutally kill me if he ever had the chance. Although it has been a long time, I'm sure that the man has not forgotten that incident, and that he still remembers it with perfect clarity. I'm also sure that he despises just as deeply now as he did then. I also know that many people would agree with him that I should be brutally and savagely killed for what I did, and that also bothers me.

What do you think, do I deserve to be brutally killed for what I did? Am I a worthless piece of s*** who deserves to be dragged to death up and down the expressway?

submitted by /u/Emperor-of-Epicness
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