I need advice asap pls

5 hours ago 1

So this random guy online sent me unsolicited nasty pics out of nowhere. Instead of engaging, I started talking about Jesus, and he actually seemed interested. I even told him it was best if he deleted his burner account—and he did.

Then, he re-added me on his real account, and I found out he actually lives in the state I do even though he originally said he was from Canada, and it even showed that in the snap map (so he lied). On top of that, I noticed he might have a girlfriend in his profile picture. Now, I feel really weird about the whole situation because he was shady from the start, lied about his location, and could be cheating. Plus, I don’t know if he’d ever twist the story to make me look bad since I did stay in the convo for a little bit before shutting it down.

Im literally so disturbed, I need advice.

submitted by /u/AnteaterOk5476
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