I made a big mistake in my relationship and the guilt is seriously overwhelming

2 months ago 82

Last month my girlfriend caught me texting another girl during Christmas break it’s been killing me. I know I’m wrong and an awful person for what I did, but I regret every second of it. I was only texting the girl because I knew the girl I was texting liked me and just kept on entertaining her and even went to go see her once. Ever since all this happened I’ve been losing my mind and everything has gone downhill. I genuinely did love my girlfriend but I threw it all away just for an ounce of attention from another girl. I’ll have to be a man and accept my actions as it is, it’s just killing me inside that I hurt someone that I love so much and I’ll never see her again. It’s like she died and I honestly feel like me dying would make this all go away. But wtv tho

submitted by /u/Fun_Bar_6740
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